The Question of Invention
In zingmagazine #22, Adam Mendelsohn addresses questions of originality and invention in the visual arts in his curated project “Chicken Shit.” By presenting side-by-side images of works by artists like Jennifer Bolande and Harold E. Edgerton, and William Anastasi and Carl Andre, it is easy for one to observe the striking visual similarities that exist between artworks that were created years apart from one another.
Another example of this parallel was brought to our attention when an exhibition at Venus Over Manhattan caught the eye of an astute observer/close friend of Dikeou Collection and zingmagazine. What stood out to this individual was the uncanny resemblance of artist Charles Harlan’s use of the metal rolling gate in his installation “Ishtar” to that of Devon Dikeou’s security gate installations dating from 1989 to 1991. Dikeou has exhibited her gates at Ihara Ludens and Paula Allen. “Ishtar” will be on view at Venus Over Manhattan until March 22, 2014.
As noted by Mendelsohn, this situation is not uncommon in the art world, and is in fact a very important theme within the entire span of art history. What is important to remember is that while works by different artists may look alike, rarely do they carry the same meaning and intent for each artist, as that is something that cannot be replicated.
“That people reach similar, sometimes identical conclusions independently of one another is something that happens with regular frequency. In science this is called multiples. This fact is almost never celebrated. In art, as in science, it’s almost always about who got there first – like landing on the moon. …
… What remains truly rare over time is invention. Innovation is the constant but invention is much trickier ground. Where invention is credited and where it comes from is almost a total mystery.”
- Excerpt from “Chicken Shit” by Adam Mendelsohn, zingmagazine #22
Devon Dikeou, “Security/Insecure” (1989), exhibited at Paula Allen
Devon Dikeou, “Security Kiosk” (1990), exhibited at Ihara Ludens
Charles Harlan, “Ishtar” (2013), currently on view at Venus Over Manhattan until March 22.
Charles Harlan, “Roll Gates” (2012), at Socrates Sculpture Park
See more of Devon Dikeou’s body of work at
Be sure to see Harlan’s “Ishtar” installation at Venus Over Manhattan in NYC before it closes this weekend. More of his work can be seen online at
-Hayley Richardson
March 17, 2014