The Dikeou Collection presents the thirty-third Dikeou Literary Series on Thursday, April 28. 19th-century poet Emily Dickinson serves as the themed inspiration for readers Natalie Earnhart, Carolina Ebeid, Jade Lascelles, and Holly Amos, as represented by several artworks on view in Devon Dikeou “Mid-Career Smear.” The Dikeou Literary Series is organized by Mairead Case and is free and open to the public. We kindly suggest attendees wear masks at this indoor gathering.
As part of “Mid-Career Smear” programming, Dikeou Lit: Emily Dickinson takes cues from three artworks in the exhibition – Displaced Denver: Emily Dickinson (2000 ongoing), “I Cannot Live With You. . .” (1993 ongoing), and “So We Must Keep Apart. . .” (1993 ongoing) by Devon Dikeou. These three works speak to the theme of “in-betweeness” that permeates the exhibition, and that of Dickinson’s prose.
Reader & Organizer Bios
Natalie Earnhart is a queer writer based in Denver. She is currently a PhD candidate in Creative Writing at the University of Denver and completed her MFA at Naropa University. She is a co-founder of the activist reading series Tart Parlor and the current Prose Editor for Denver Quarterly. Her work is widely published on Google Docs and the cloud of Microsoft Word.
Carolina Ebeid is a multimedia poet interested in the cross sections of video art and hybrid texts. Her work has been supported by the Stadler Center for Poetry & Literary Arts at Bucknell University, CantoMundo, a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, and a residency fellowship from the Lannan Foundation. She teaches at Regis University and at Denver’s Lighthouse Writers Workshop. A longtime editor, she helps edit poetry at The Rumpus, as well as the online zine Visible Binary.
Jade Lascelles (she/her) is a writer, musician, and artist based in Boulder, Colorado. She is the author of the full-length collection The Invevitable (Gesture Press, 2021). Selections of her work have appeared in numerous journals and the anthologies Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism and Precipice: Writing at the Edge, as well as being featured in the Ed Bowes film Gold Hill, the Natalia Gaia short film A Spark Catches, and the visual art exhibits and accompanying books Shame Radiant (2021) and Disgust: Unhealthy Practices (2022).She is a core member of the art group The Wilds and plays drums in a few different musical projects.
Holly Amos is a writer and editor and mom to a rescue dog named Husker. Her humor and poems have appeared in places including Bennington Review and McSweeney’s. She is the associate editor of Poetry.
Dikeou Literary Series organizer Mairead Case (rhymes with parade) is a writer, teacher, and editor. She is the author of the novels TINY and SEE YOU IN THE MORNING (featherproof) and the poetry chapbook TENDERNESS (Meekling Press), and publishes widely. Mairead is an editor at Public Media Institute and MAGGOT BRAIN, and currently teaches reading and writing at the University of Colorado-Boulder, Naropa, University of Denver, the Colorado School of Mines, and Cañon City Correctional Facility.